Religion in India

Religion in India 

Religion is a collection of belief systems , cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes to moral values . Religion is different from private belief in its social character .


  • It consists of a collection of intellectual and philosophical points of view rather than a rigid system of beliefs . There is nospecific founder of the religion . • Its roots can be traced to the historical Vedic religion of the Iron age India . Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam . • Prominent texts are Vedas , Ramayana and Mahabharata . 


Prophet Mohammed is the founder of Islam . Quran is the holy book of Islam . Islam is the second largest religion in the world . Most Muslims belong to two denominations - Shia and Sunni . Islam arrived in India in the AD8th century . 


• Jesus is the founder of Christianity . Bible is the holy book of Christianity . Christianity is mainly divided in Catholic and Protestant .
 • Holy texts of the Christianity are the Old Testanent and the New Testament . 


• Guru Nanak is the founder of Sikhism . 

• Guru Granth Sahib is the holy book of Sikhism .
 • Sikhism is the third largest religion of India . 
• Sikhism developed in India during 16th and 17th centuries .


• Mahatma Buddha is the founder of Buddhism . 
• Buddhism is the indigenous religion of India . Holy book of Buddhism is Tripitak . 
• The three Jewels of Buddhism are Buddha , Dhamma and Sangha . 
• Importand sects of Buddhism are Hinyana , Mahayana and Theraveda .


 • Mahavira Swami is the founder of Jainism . • Jainism is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent . 
• Holy book of Jainism is Kalp Sutras . 
• The main doctrines of Jainism are Anekantavada , Syadvada and Nayavada . The two sects of Jainism are Svetambara and Digambara . Jain holy texts consist of Purvas , Agamas , Angas and Upangas . Languages Sanskrit
 • Sanskrit is the mother of many Indian languages . Sanskrit is the most ancient language of our country . inda Puranasand Dharmasutras are

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