History of India before A.D
In Ancient India , before reading about Indus Valley Civilisation , we need to study four ancient ages . These ancientages are Paleolithic , Mesolithic , Neolithic and Chalcolithic . .
Paleolithic Age .
People in Paleolithic age were hunters and gatherers . They were dependent on hunting for their livelihood and used to travel from one place to another depending | on the availability of natural resources for survival . | They developed sharp weapons of stone for hunting purpose . They survived on hunting wild animals and birds , fishing and collecting fruits and nuts .
Mesolithic Age .
• It was the age between Paleolithic and Neolithicperiod . The main tools of this age ie microliths were made of stone .
• During this period , people were still hunter - gatherers , but were possibly starting to stay in one place . Domestication of animals can be seen in this age .
Neolithic age.
• The Neolithicage contributed in the social and technological development . Stone tools and weapons | were also further modified and were sharpened by fine | shedding of the stones .
• Neolithicage also contributed greatly in the field of transportation by an important invention of the wheel .
Chalcolithic age.
The of people of Chalcolithic age practiced agriculture . They used tools made up of copper and stone .
• Painted pottery was the most distinguishing feature of | all Chalcolithic cultures .
• The later Chalcolithic period saw an emergence of an ancient civilisation , which came to be known as the ' Indus Valley Civilisation ' .
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