Cockroaches are wide in distribution but more prominent in sub - tropical countries . They are nocturnal and found to be present in dark and humid places such store rooms , bakeries , kitchens , boards , pictures , cracks , round sinks In day light they hide behind cup - boards and heating pipes . Adult and nymphal stages both cause damage . P . americana is commonly found in South India . It is about 3 . 5cm in length and brown in colour . Shelfordella tartara is commonly found in northerm states of | India . is about cm in length and Cockroach ( Periplaneta americana ) . shining black in colour . The cockroaches provided with one pair of very long antennae which function as tactile organ . '
Thecockroaches touch and pollute every thing which is palatable and prefer to feed on potatoes , vegetable , bread , chocolate sugar , honey , fat , , old damped books , leather material etc . They may spread diseases viz , tuberculosis , cholera , dysentary and typhoid .
Life cycle
Cockroaches breed continuously in warm house even in winter . They look more active in hot and humid regions . The fertilized female of P . americana lays eggs which are enclosed in a bag like structure called ' Dotheca ' . One fertilized female can lay 15 to 90 capsules having 16 eggs in each capsule . After interval of 35 10 100 days of laying . 16 nymphs come out of cach ootheca which take 10 10 months and 13 moults to attain adult stage The female of lartara lays cigar shaped eggs in bag - like capsules . After 2 days of laying . nymph emerges from egg but in winter it takes few weeks . After one month nymphs attain adult stage .
Prevention and control.
(1) As cockroaches are annoying . immediate steps should be taken to control them . )(2) prompt removal of food remnants and cleanliness is essential measure to control . (3) Spraying of 2 % oil solution or emulsion of chlordane is very much effective .
(4) Spraying sodium fluoride with pyrethrum powder containing 0 . 5 to 1 % Pyrethrin may be very effective .
(5) Spraying of0 . 5 % dieldrin in liquid formulation and 1 % in dust formulation is also effective .
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