Honey bees type of bees

Habit and habitat 

Honey bees are highly ore world . Although they are active , dalittle work and do not rear the brood of flowering they preparea strong cale polymorphism and good divisio individuals are observed han . highly organised social insects reported from all over the they are active throughout the year but in winter season they they prepare a strong colony with honey rich combs . They exhibit . and good division of labour , The bee hives with thousands of are observed hanging down from the branches of the trees and houses . The workers communicate informations for the location food sources through the Waggle Dance ' . a phenomenon called as are of the bees ' , by the eminent biologist Karl Von Frish . He has mentioned that the rate of dance is directly proportionate the food . medium esses edia

 Species of Honey Bees 

Four species of honey bees are reported .

 1 . Apis dorsata    F . ( Rock bee ) . This the largest bee , about 20 mm . in length . so named as GIANT HONEY BEE . SARANG and BOMBARA are other names of this bee which yields maximum amount of honey in comparison to other species . A single comb may yield 60 pounds of honey which is the maximum amount for a comb . The workers are very smart and active which may pollinate 12 , 000 flowers daily . But due to its ferocious and irritable nature , specific hive and migratory habititis very difficult rather practically impossible to domesticate them for the bee keeping industry . 

2 . Apis indica.  F . Indian bee ) . Commonly found in forest and plain regions . of India . This is slightly smaller than A . dorsata They prefer to live in dark places and construct several parallel combs about one foot across the protected Places like cavities of tree trunks , mud walls , earthen pots , thick bushes , wells walls of the buildings . This species is very gentle in nature , so can be ucated easily . The production of honey is much less i . e . 6 107 pound | per comb . Apis florea

(3)Apis florea.  F . ( Little bee ) . This is smaller than A . indica and yields mall amount of honey . The bees are not of gregarious nature and forma comb . Due to its docile nature and rare stinging bchaviour the combs a De removed easily for the honey extraction . crati andNY very small amount otho single comb . 

(4) . Apis mellifera F . ( European bee ) , Although this bec produces less honey yet it is found to be the best species from the commercial point of view . Duel to their docile nature they can be domesticated easily and can be improved by breeding for several hundred years . of its several varieties ltalian variets is reared every where in Europe and America in artificial hives for honey .
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